How Voice Search Shift Affects SEO

15 Jul

How Voice Search Shift Affects SEO

We have been used to sitting in front of our computer to look for things through the magnifying glass. Not anymore! With the advancement in technology, searches have evolved and developed dramatically to include voice searches.

Ranging from Siri by Apple, Cortana by Microsoft, Alexa by Amazon and Google Now, the multitude of voice search softwares available today make communication and searches easier as there isn’t any need to type in anymore. The question is, how will voice search affect SEO?

Google reported that the shift to voice search usage started way back in 2014 where 55 percent of teens and 41 percent of adults were already hooked to using the various voice functionalities online. Today, the Voice Study conducted by Google revealed that there are 78 percent of teens and 76 percent of adults who rely on voice searches as it is safer especially if the queries are done while driving or while preoccupied with other activities.

Although voice commands are done primarily to find directions or answer phone calls, more and more queries are done to find services online like looking for the best pizza parlor in town, the nearest laundry shop, the best dentist for dental cleaning, etc. In short, it offers a new way for people to look for and interact with services in the search engines. With the increasing amount of people utilizing their mobile devices for voice commands and searches, business websites which offer services that are searched for will gain more traffic especially if the websites were optimized with the right keywords.

Most of your SEO strategies in place will still work. The basics are covered since you know what your customers are looking for, what they’re interested with and what attracts them to check your website out. However, with the rise of mobile device users who are on-the-go, adjustments in your SEO strategy should include terms or keywords which most people utter while they are preoccupied. It all comes down to understanding your audience’ needs and how you as a business owner craft your material in order to fill those needs.

Voice search may only be another SEO strategy but early adoption of such would assure your business of a territorial claim in the traffic and sales world that hopefully promises a long term success.

Need other innovative SEO strategies for your Santa Monica business? Call us at 1 (888) 375-3058 today.