Recently, we came across a study on how Google and YouTube differently rank videos. An independent research found out that the discrepancy of the ranking of the results pages is almost frequently over 50%. For example, when you search about NASA space missions, YouTube would have “Mission to Mars 2024” on top of their list, […]
Social Media Safety Tips 101
Since the emergence of Facebook, social media has all the more become too exciting. People from all walks of life turn into their computers or mobile devices to endlessly share pictures, posts, and a lot more. Much to the delight of everyone, more platforms surfaced such as Twitter and Instagram. They both quickly gained popularity […]
How To Keep Kids With Social Media Accounts Safe
Without a doubt, social media has radically changed how people of all ages communicate with each other. We’ve learned new terminologies such as Unfriend, Tweet, etc. Surprisingly, we have even used them a lot in our daily conversation. In a recent research, over 75% of millennials check Twitter daily and more than 20% of the […]
Best SEO Practices That Owners of Small Websites Can Do
Maintaining a site is almost a never-ending process. Thus it’s no surprise to see huge sites with thousands of pages indexed in various search engines. This obviously means a lot of SEO work. What makes SEO interesting is how equally tough it can be done on small websites. With very few backlinks and less content […]
What Does Google Say About Internal Links
Internal links are links that direct users from one page to another on the same website or domain. The hyperlinks may be in the form of an image or a document. These links are important such that they allow Internet users to easily find what they want on the site. Moreover, they can be used […]
The Significance of Local SEO to Businesses
Running a small business has just become more dynamic and more competitive. Almost always, there are new trendseen in the market. This prompts business owners to think very quickly and adapt to changes to remain on top. Otherwise, there’s someone else who’ll jump into the possible leads and reap all the profits. Possibly the most […]
SEO Practices That Website Owners Should Avoid
An estimated 3.2 billion people use the Internet everyday. That’s a staggering number of possible leads which could drive profits. No wonder many website owners resort to various SEO tactics just to get to the first page of search engine results page (SERP). As expected, many choose to go the shorter route of ranking fast […]
Ways to Retain SEO Agency Clients
When a client hires an SEO agency, a long-term commitment that’s plenty of hope is automatically perceived. However, unlike other things that get tougher as time goes, this client-SEO company relationship may either easily become solid or fragile. Fortunately, there are some helpful ways to keep you and your clients working effectively from the start. Below […]
How Soon Can SEO Rank My Site?
For sure, SEO experts have been asked many times by their clients on how quickly they can produce results. This is entirely understandable most especially that SEO can be exhausting and expensive for most business owners. Much more, all the long wait can be excruciating because all the efforts are not guaranteed to provide positive […]
Benefits of SEO to Charities and Foundations
Unlike companies, charities and foundations are established mainly for charitable activities. It’s no surprise more than 50 percent of these organizations ignore SEO or are completely unfamiliar with it. Although charities are not-for-profit, they still need the magic of SEO. This is if they’re serious about expanding their group and reaching a larger population. Of […]
Internet Marketing Mistakes That Businesses Should Avoid
Enhancing the online presence of your business is important if you’re serious about continuously getting it to the next level of the competition. You’d need to have some clearly-defined goals and a workable budget to make your online marketing strategies and campaigns successful. However, those are all easier said than done. In fact, many have […]
User Experience: A Key Element in SEO
In the recent years, marketing strategists and professionals have seen an increasing growth of effectiveness of SEO. Over 82% of them believe that SEO is now far more effective than it was in the past five years. One key contributor to its success is user experience (UX). Search engines measure UX by making use of […]