Secrets From SEO Companies To Improve E-Commerce Sites

02 Jan

Secrets From SEO Companies To Improve E-Commerce Sites

E-commerce sites in Los Angeles require a specific kind of SEO to make them better. It must be methodical, and you can’t afford to take shortcuts. If you do, like posting duplicate content, for example, then you’re never going to get the sales you crave.


Here are some secrets revealed by SEO companies as to how you can get your e-commerce site looking its best.


How to Handle Product Variants


Let’s say that you have a product, and it comes in several different models, colors, sizes, and styles. As someone looks at these different versions of the same product on your site, what’s going to happen if each one produces a different URL?


Well, what’s going to happen is that you’re going to get a lot of negative attention from Google because this situation is going to be seen as duplicate content and keyword cannibalization.


But what can be done about it? The best option, Los Angeles, is to display all of the different product variations without changing the URL.


The only time there could be an exception to this rule is when some of the variables are crucial to the product, fundamentally altering it in some way. This will cause the different pages to rank separately in the SERPs. To be sure that these pages are not competing with each other, be sure to canonicalize the main version of the product.




You also need to be sure that the images of your products are optimized, Los Angeles. From an SEO standpoint, image optimization is going to refer to such things as proper sizing and formatting.


High-quality images will entice possible customers, but if they’re too large, it will slow down your page speed. Make sure that doesn’t happen, especially on your mobile site.


Purchase Intent Keywords


The last factor worth discussing when it comes to e-commerce is the implementation of purchase intent keywords. You should be sure to study what keywords a person is likely to use when they are looking for the products you’re offering.


There are analytics tools that will allow you to do this easily. Some of keywords might be along the lines of “buy product name,” but there will probably be some others of which you had not thought.


The more you work on the SEO for your e-commerce site, Los Angeles, the better you should become at it. You will pick up many of the tricks of the trade, but don’t forget that new ones come into existence every day.