SEO Has Evolved, And Your Strategy Must Too

05 Sep

SEO Has Evolved, And Your Strategy Must Too

When it comes to SEO Los Angeles, the day of the keyword is over. That’s not to say that keywords no longer play any part whatsoever in SEO. Instead, you must revise the pattern of behavior where you came up with keywords and then crafted content around them. That was an arduous process, but it used to pay off. It won’t anymore, because of machine learning and the Hummingbird algorithm that revolutionized Google. Instead, here’s where your attention should lie going forward for SEO purposes.


Organize By Topic


The best thing that you can do these days for optimization is to organize your website content by topic, Los Angeles. This process will make it easier for Google to direct a user to your site based on their intention. If you first optimize a web page around whatever topic it is meant to cover, then you can rank well for the long-tail keywords that are on that page. In other words, if you use long-tail keywords naturally within the context of your content, you should be able to rank for them.


Make a List


With that being said, a great way to start optimizing your website is to make a list of topics that you’d like to cover in a given week or month rather than coming up with a list of keywords. That’s the best method of facilitating organic growth. Once you come up with your list, use Google’s Keyword Tool to identify some of the words and phrases associated with those topics. Then, start creating your content for the week. Don’t be surprised if those long-tail keywords or phrases occur naturally within your content. You shouldn’t have to force them.


Build Pages Based On Each Topic


You should have a different webpage for each of the topics that you came up with that you are sure will interest your niche, Los Angeles. For each one, try to go in-depth with your content and give some information that is atypical or unique. You’re trying to make your content stand out and establish that you are an expert on the subject matter. These pages will bolster the others on your site that are dedicated to the sale of your products and services, each of your locations, and the like.


What you’re looking for is a site setup where it will be impossible for the search engines to misinterpret what your company and individual pages are about, Los Angeles. Your structure should be such that your prospects and customers can find you no matter what keywords you use. SEO these days should be all about outstanding organization so that Google can tell your site’s intent immediately.