How To Optimize Social Media For SEO

28 Feb
How To Optimize Social Media For SEO Los Angeles

How To Optimize Social Media For SEO

Today, we’re going to talk about some things that you can do as a business owner using social media platforms to try and boost your search rankings. The question of how to optimize search rankings for SEO is one that’s on a lot of people’s minds these days, and the truth is, there are many different strategies that you can employ. We’ll talk about just a couple of them here today.


One thing that you can do is influence social sharing. Social sharing is one of the ways that you can increase your brand’s authority, which is just another way of saying its online presence. For search engines like Google, external sources that can be verified which also validate your brand mean a slight bump in terms of domain authority. That means that the more times you can get your posts liked, shared, retweeted, etc, the better it is, as it relates to your search engine rankings.


It’s a popularity contest, and you want to make sure that your content is fun, exciting, and interesting, so that it has a better chance of going viral. There are some ways that you can improve your chances, too. Have contests, and do surveys. Try as many things as you can to get people to interact with you. The more interactions there are, the more Google and other search engines are likely to take notice.


Locally-optimized posts are also a good way to get some love from search engines. Social media is always perfect for engaging with the local community, and when you do so, you trigger local-specific authority signals, which is something for which search engines look. The best ways to do this are to get involved with local community events, and to interact with other local businesses via your social media platforms. This is beneficial to you in multiple ways. You’re optimizing your search engine results, and you’re also letting the community know that you’re one of them, and that you value them as customers.    


Try out these two methods of optimization, and you should be seeing the benefits from them shortly. If done correctly, you’ll not only get the high search engine rankings you desire, but you’ll also forge valuable inroads with your local community.